- 脟etinkaya-Rundel, M., Hardin, J. OpenIntro, 2021.
- Kim, A.Y., Hardin, J. , Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 2021.
- *Lu, B., Hardin, J. , Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021.
- Hardin, J. 9 out of 10 Seniors Recommend this First-Year Seminar: Statistics in the Real World, In , eds. J. Schaefer, J. Bowen, M. Kozek, and P. Pierce, MAA Notes Series; 2021.
- Hardin, J., Haushalter, K., Yong, D. , Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal 12 (2); 2020.
- *Allison, K., *Hallman, M., *Koskelo E., Radunskaya, A., Hardin, J., Hudgings, J. , Review of Scientific Instruments 91; 044901, 2020.
- Baumer, B., Bray, A., 脟etinkaya-Rundel, M., and Hardin, J. , Journal of Statistics Education 28(1); 89-97, 2020.
- Fiksel, J., Jager, L., Hardin, J., Taub, M. , Journal of Statistics Education, 27(2): 110-119, 2019.
- Duron, C., Pan, Y., D. Gutmann, Hardin, J., Radunskaya, A. , Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(9): 3655-3673, 2019.
Hardin, J. 鈥,鈥&苍产蝉辫;Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 8(1): 350-358, 2018.
Pan, Y., Duron, C., Bush, E., Sims, P., Hardin, J., Radunskaya, A., and Gutmann, D. 鈥,鈥&苍产蝉辫;PLOS ONE, 13(5): e0190001, 2018.
Hardin, J. , Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, in press.
Pan, Y., Duron, C., Bush, E., Sims, P., Hardin, J., Radunskaya, A., and Gutmann, D. Graph Complexity Analysis Identifies an ETV5 Tumor-Specific Network in Human and Murine Low-Grade Glioma, PLOS ONE, in press.
Hardin, J. Technological Innovations in Statistics Education, 11(1), 2018. (, )
*Evans, C., Hardin, J., and Stoebel, D. Accepted, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2017. (paper @ arxiv.org)
- (Computational Genomics Summer Institute @ IPAM, 2016)
- (Computational Genomics Summer Institute @ IPAM, 2016)
*Coleman, J., *Replogle, J., Chandler, G., and Hardin, J. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology;15 (2): 123-38. 2016. (paper @ arxiv.org)
Hardin, J., Hoerl, R., Horton, N.J., and Nolan, D. The American Statistician, in press, 2015. (paper @ arxiv.org)
Hardin, J., Sarkis, G., and *URC, P.C. Journal of Statistics Education, Vol 23:2, 2015. (P.C. URC stands for the 51猎奇入口 Undergraduate Research Circle whose members for this project were Timothy Kaye, David Khatami, Daniel Metz, and Emily Proulx.) (paper @ arxiv.org)
Hardin, J., S. R. Garcia, and D. Golan. Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol 7. : 1733-1762, 2013. (paper @ arxiv.org)
*Brieger, K, and J. Hardin. Chance, 25 : 31-34; 2012.
*Head, A., Hardin, J., Adolph, S. , Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19: 127-137; 2012.
Karnovsky, N.J., *Brown, Z.W., Welcker, J., Harding, A.M.A., Walkusz, W., Cavalcanti, A., Hardin, J., Kitaysky, A., Gabrielsen, G., Gr茅millet, D. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 440: 229-240, 2011. DOI: 10.3354/meps0935.
Grosfils, E.B., *Long, S.M., *Venechuk, E.M.,* Hurwitz, D.M., *Richards, J.W., *Kastl, Brian, *Drury, D.E., and Hardin, J., 2011, .
*Richards, J., Hardin, J., Grosfils, E. , Computational Geosciences, 14: 125-136; 2010.
Hardin, J., Wilson, J. A note on oligonucleotide expression values not being normally distributed, Biostatistics, 10: 446-450; 2009. (full manuscript at )
*Yiu, G., *McCord, A., *Wise, A., *Jindal, R., *Hardee, J., *Kuo, A., *Yuen Shimogawa, M., Cahoon, L., Wu, M., Kloke, J., Hardin, J., Mays Hoopes, L.L.; , Journal of Gerontology, 63A: 21-34; 2008.
Hardin, J., *Mitani, A., *Hicks, L., *VanKoten, B.; , BMC Bioinformatics, 8:220; 2007. (R code: )
Adolph, S., and Hardin, J.; , Functional Ecology, 21: 178-184; 2007.
*Wise, A., Hardin, J., Hoopes, L.; , Chance, 19, 39-44; 2006.
*Hardin, J., Hoopes, L., *Murphy, R.; , Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics, 2006.
Altman, N., Banks, D., Hardwick, J., Roeder, K., Craigmile, P., Hardin, J., and Gupta, M. , Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 2005.
Hardin, J., Rocke, D.; , Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14: 1-19; 2005. (R code: to estimate the MCD 鈥 and to estimate c and m 鈥 .)
Hardin, J.; , STATS, 42:4-13; 2005.
Hardin, J., Waddell, M., Page, D., Zhan, F., Barlogie, B., Crowley, J., Shaughnessy, J.; , Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology; vol 3, article 10; 2004.
Hardin, J., Rocke, D.; , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 44: 625-638; 2004.
Pauler, D., Hardin, J., Faulkner, J., Leblanc, M., Crowley, J.; Survival Analysis with Gene Expression Arrays. In eds. N.Balakrishnan and C.R. Rao, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam; 2004.
Durbin, B., Hardin, J., Hawkins, D., Rocke, D.; A Variance-Stabilizing Transformation for Gene-Expression Microarray Data; Bioinformatics, 18: S105-S110; 2002.
Zhan, F., Hardin, J., Kordsmeier, B., Bumm, K., Zheng, M., Tian, E., Sanderson, R., Yang, Y., Wilson, C., Zangari, M., Anaissie, E., Morris, C., Muwalla, F., van Rhee, F., Fassas, A., Crowley, J., Tricot, G., Barlogie, B., Shaughnessy, J.; ; Blood, 99: 1745-1757; 2002.
Hardin, J.; . Ph.D. thesis, Statistics; University of California, Davis. 2000.
Coleman, D., Dong, X., Hardin, J., Rocke, D.M., Woodruff, D.L.; Some Computational Issues in Cluster Analysis with no 脿 priori Metric; Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 31: 1-11; 1999.
*indicates work done as an undergraduate student
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
- Elected Member of the International Statistics Institute, July 2018
- Mu Sigma Rho William D. Warde Statistics Education Award, March 2018
- Wig Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2016
- MAA Hogg Award for Excellence in Teaching Introductory Statistics, 2014
- Waller Education Award, American Statistical Association, 2007
- Mathematics Association of America, Project NExT Fellow, 2002