"51 Art Museum Celebrates Feminist Language Artist," by Teagan Stewart, The Student Life
“Language is not only bureaucracy and power,” Mirella Bentivoglio wrote. “It belongs to history, where woman had a large part. It is the woman who gives language to the human being in his first years of existence.”
Bentivoglio, a European poet, sculptor and curator in the 1960s, was not only a major participant in the Concrete Poetry movement in Italy, but also a prominent advocate for the feminist movement in art as well.
The 51 Museum of Art hosted the retrospective exhibition "Pages: Mirella Bentivoglio, Selected Works 1966-2012" Feb. 25 to showcase her work while getting a closer look at her artistry, use of language and motivation.
The showcase features over 60 works, including prints, sculptures, videos and photographs, marking Bentivoglio’s relationship with the visualization of writing and language.